
Below is all the online inventory we have available from Hopi.

Information about: in-store pottery-making demonstrations and the traditional process of making pottery

Below is a listing of pieces in our online inventory from .

Note: We have many more pieces of pottery and artists in our gallery than are featured on our web site. This web site is updated daily with some of our recent arrivals. If we do not have what you are looking for online, we may have it in the gallery. Please E-Mail us, or call us at 505-986-1234.

Large pink jar with an organic opening, a geometric cut-out, and a textured adobe wall design
 by Al Qoyawayma of Hopi Al Qoyawayma, Hopi, Large pink jar with an organic opening, a geometric cut-out, and a textured adobe wall design
Artist: Al Qoyawayma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3d301
Price: $ CALL
Dimensions: 17.75 in L by 17.75 in W by 6.25 in H

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Buff jar with a slightly flared opening and an applique dancing kokopelli design
 by Al Qoyawayma of Hopi Al Qoyawayma, Hopi, Buff jar with a slightly flared opening and an applique dancing kokopelli design
Artist: Al Qoyawayma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b556
Price: $ CALL
Dimensions: 17.5 in L by 17.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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Buff jar with a flared opening and an applique dancing kokopelli design
 by Al Qoyawayma of Hopi Al Qoyawayma, Hopi, Buff jar with a flared opening and an applique dancing kokopelli design
Artist: Al Qoyawayma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b555
Price: $ CALL
Dimensions: 15 in L by 15 in W by 10.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b558
Price: $ CALL
Dimensions: 15 in L by 15 in W by 6.25 in H

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A large polychrome wedding vase with organic spouts and long-haired kachina appliques and decorations with an above-the-shoulder eight-panel design including water-bug and other katsinas surrounded by dragonflies and spirals
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, A large polychrome wedding vase with organic spouts and long-haired kachina appliques and decorations with an above-the-shoulder eight-panel design including water-bug and other katsinas surrounded by dragonflies and spirals
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: nuho3g220
Price: $ CALL
Dimensions: 12.75 in L by 12.75 in W by 14 in H

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style seed pot decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design, mostly above the shoulder
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style seed pot decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design, mostly above the shoulder
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h080
Price: $ 8500
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 4.25 in H

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A polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel spiral, bird element and geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, A polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel spiral, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b502
Price: $ 8500
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 7 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b559
Price: $ 7900
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 4.75 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel small sherd and geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel small sherd and geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f401
Price: $ 7800
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a migration pattern design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a migration pattern design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: wrhol5139a
Price: $ 7700
Dimensions: 9.25 in L by 9.25 in W by 6.5 in H
Sale Price: $ 6100

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Red melon jar with 20 ribs
 by Alton Komalestewa of Hopi Alton Komalestewa, Hopi, Red melon jar with 20 ribs
Artist: Alton Komalestewa

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: caho3a150
Price: $ 7600
Dimensions: 14.5 in L by 14.5 in W by 5.75 in H

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Large polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a geometric design
 by Mark Tahbo of Hopi Mark Tahbo, Hopi, Large polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a geometric design
Artist: Mark Tahbo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k651
Price: $ 7200
Dimensions: 13.25 in L by 13.25 in W by 8 in H

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An open polychrome bowl with a step-cut opening and decorated inside with brushes of color and decorated outside with dragonflies, katsinas, bird element, stars and geometric design
 by Garrett Maho of Hopi Garrett Maho, Hopi, An open polychrome bowl with a step-cut opening and decorated inside with brushes of color and decorated outside with dragonflies, katsinas, bird element, stars and geometric design
Artist: Garrett Maho

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4f130
Price: $ 7200
Dimensions: 13 in L by 13 in W by 10 in H

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Red melon jar with 22 repousse ribs
 by Alton Komalestewa of Hopi Alton Komalestewa, Hopi, Red melon jar with 22 repousse ribs
Artist: Alton Komalestewa

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzsc1m667
Price: $ 6800
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 8 in H

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A large polychrome seed pot with fire clouds and decorated with an eight-panel geometric design above the shoulder
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, A large polychrome seed pot with fire clouds and decorated with an eight-panel geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4e070
Price: $ 6800
Dimensions: 12.5 in L by 12.5 in W by 6.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a four-panel geometric design
 by Daisy Hooee Nampeyo of Hopi Daisy Hooee Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Daisy Hooee Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: htho3h130
Price: $ 6600
Dimensions: 13.75 in L by 13.75 in W by 10 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel small sherd and geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel small sherd and geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4k045
Price: $ 6600
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhog8430
Price: $ 6200
Dimensions: 5.5 in H by 9 in Dia

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated with bird, hand and geometric design, with an organic opening
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated with bird, hand and geometric design, with an organic opening
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4f401
Price: $ 5900
Dimensions: 12 in L by 12 in W by 5.25 in H

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Large polychrome bowl with a tadpole and geometric design
 by Annie Healing of Hopi Annie Healing, Hopi, Large polychrome bowl with a tadpole and geometric design
Artist: Annie Healing

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dfho3h150
Price: $ 5800
Dimensions: 13.25 in L by 13.25 in W by 5 in H

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Large white ware wedding vase with black and red bird element and geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Large white ware wedding vase with black and red bird element and geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rwho0k126
Price: $ 5500
Dimensions: 17.25 in H by 12 in Dia

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A polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b504
Price: $ 5500
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2l401
Price: $ 5400
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7 in H

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Polychrome jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a painted bird and geometric design
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, Polychrome jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a painted bird and geometric design
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k652
Price: $ 5200
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 4.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a medium sherd geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a medium sherd geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ljho4k010
Price: $ 5200
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 6 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, distinctive shape, fire clouds, and a painted Pahlik Mana and checkerboard geometric design
 by Jeremy Adams of Hopi Jeremy Adams, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, distinctive shape, fire clouds, and a painted Pahlik Mana and checkerboard geometric design
Artist: Jeremy Adams

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h150
Price: $ 4995
Dimensions: 10.5 in L by 10.5 in W by 15.5 in H

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A large yellow bowl with fire clouds, and polished inside
 by Mark Tahbo of Hopi Mark Tahbo, Hopi, A large yellow bowl with fire clouds, and polished inside
Artist: Mark Tahbo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dgho4h130
Price: $ 4900
Dimensions: 13 in L by 13 in W by 7.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird, bird element and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4g260
Price: $ 4900
Dimensions: 14.25 in L by 14.25 in W by 13 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a four panel geometric design
 by Loren Ami of Hopi Loren Ami, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a four panel geometric design
Artist: Loren Ami

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3c135
Price: $ 4900
Dimensions: 10.75 in L by 10.75 in W by 7.75 in H

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Polychrome Sikyatki-style jar with a 4-panel eagletail and geometric design
 by Tonita Nampeyo of Hopi Tonita Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome Sikyatki-style jar with a 4-panel eagletail and geometric design
Artist: Tonita Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m545
Price: $ 4800
Dimensions: 7.5 in H by 13.5 in Dia

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Large polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Large polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho2k102
Price: $ 4750
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 13.75 in H
Sale Price: $ 3500

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds, polished details, and a geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds, polished details, and a geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho3c262
Price: $ 4600
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 6.75 in H

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Black and white jar with geometric design
 by Rainy Naha of Hopi Rainy Naha, Hopi, Black and white jar with geometric design
Artist: Rainy Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ttho2f062
Price: $ 4600
Dimensions: 11.25 in L by 11.25 in H by 6 in H

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element, katsina and geometric design
 by White Swann of Hopi White Swann, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element, katsina and geometric design
Artist: White Swann

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h200
Price: $ 4600
Dimensions: 14.5 in L by 14.5 in W by 6.75 in H

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A polychrome jar with an unslipped base, a spout and a band of geometric design above the shoulder
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, A polychrome jar with an unslipped base, a spout and a band of geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3d500
Price: $ 4500
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome canteen with a sun face medallion and geometric design, sgraffito details, fire clouds, and a braided leather handle
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome canteen with a sun face medallion and geometric design, sgraffito details, fire clouds, and a braided leather handle
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2j093
Price: $ 4500
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 11.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a shard geometric design with fine line and checkerboard elements
 by Les Namingha of Hopi Les Namingha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a shard geometric design with fine line and checkerboard elements
Artist: Les Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k659
Price: $ 4500
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 8.25 in H

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A black on red bowl decorated with a small sherd and geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A black on red bowl decorated with a small sherd and geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ljho4k011
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 2 panel bird element and geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 2 panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e169
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 7.25 in H

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A polychrome wedding vase decorated with an eagle tail, bird element and geometric design
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, A polychrome wedding vase decorated with an eagle tail, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4m107
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 4 in W by 8 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h010
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 14 in L by 14 in W by 11.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
 by Garrett Maho of Hopi Garrett Maho, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
Artist: Garrett Maho

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h730
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 12.5 in L by 12.5 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome Sikyatki Revival cylinder with fire clouds and a painted checkerboard and geometric design
 by Jeremy Adams of Hopi Jeremy Adams, Hopi, Polychrome Sikyatki Revival cylinder with fire clouds and a painted checkerboard and geometric design
Artist: Jeremy Adams

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3f051
Price: $ 3900
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 13.25 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel migration pattern and a sgraffito-and-painted Awatovi star on top
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel migration pattern and a sgraffito-and-painted Awatovi star on top
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h119
Price: $ 3900
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with an organic opening, a lightly carved ear of corn and a panel of migration pattern design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, Polychrome jar with an organic opening, a lightly carved ear of corn and a panel of migration pattern design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m505
Price: $ 3800
Dimensions: 4 in H by 3.75 in Dia

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Polychrome Sikyatki Revival cylinder with fire clouds and a painted moth, dragonfly, and geometric design
 by Jeremy Adams of Hopi Jeremy Adams, Hopi, Polychrome Sikyatki Revival cylinder with fire clouds and a painted moth, dragonfly, and geometric design
Artist: Jeremy Adams

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3f052
Price: $ 3700
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 12 in H

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Polychrome jar with 2-panel lizard, corn plant and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with 2-panel lizard, corn plant and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jaho1c045
Price: $ 3600
Dimensions: 9.75 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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A polychrome jar with a rolled lip and decorated with a four-panel eagletail, bird element and geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a rolled lip and decorated with a four-panel eagletail, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: heho4g056
Price: $ 3600
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 4 in H

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A Sikyatki-style jar with a recurved rim and a four-panel moth, bird element and geometric design
 by Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo of Hopi Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo, Hopi, A Sikyatki-style jar with a recurved rim and a four-panel moth, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b509
Price: $ 3500
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 4.75 in H

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A polychrome low-shoulder jar decorated around the shoulder with a migration pattern design
 by Priscilla Namingha of Hopi Priscilla Namingha, Hopi, A polychrome low-shoulder jar decorated around the shoulder with a migration pattern design
Artist: Priscilla Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mwho4g190
Price: $ 3500
Dimensions: 10.5 in L by 10.5 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho3h034
Price: $ 3300
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a migration pattern geometric design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a migration pattern geometric design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: joho3k163
Price: $ 3200
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho1g303
Price: $ 3200
Dimensions: 4 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a checkerboard and migration pattern geometric design
 by James Nampeyo of Hopi James Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a checkerboard and migration pattern geometric design
Artist: James Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b568
Price: $ 3200
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 6 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly raised rim and a 4-panel geometric design above the shoulder
 by Eunice Navasie of Hopi Eunice Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly raised rim and a 4-panel geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Eunice Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e209
Price: $ 3200
Dimensions: 10.5 in L by 10.5 in W by 6 in H

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A tall, high-shouldered jar with a recurved lip and decorated with a two-panel dancer-holding-parrots and geometric design
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, A tall, high-shouldered jar with a recurved lip and decorated with a two-panel dancer-holding-parrots and geometric design
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rwho4k080
Price: $ 2995
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 12.75 in H

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A black-on-red jar with a tall neck and decorated with a four-panel eagle tail and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A black-on-red jar with a tall neck and decorated with a four-panel eagle tail and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4g261
Price: $ 2900
Dimensions: 13 in L by 13 in W by 11.25 in H

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Large polychrome canteen with handles and a bird element and geometric design
 by Rachel Sahmie of Hopi Rachel Sahmie, Hopi, Large polychrome canteen with handles and a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Rachel Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2b402
Price: $ 2800
Dimensions: 10.75 in H by 10.75 in W by 13 in L Measurement includes stand and corn cob stopper

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Polychrome lidded jar with an ear of corn lid and a 4-panel Corn Maiden and geometric design
 by Stetson Setalla of Hopi Stetson Setalla, Hopi, Polychrome lidded jar with an ear of corn lid and a 4-panel Corn Maiden and geometric design
Artist: Stetson Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: crho0k304
Price: $ 2800
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 18.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 2250

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Mark Tahbo of Hopi Mark Tahbo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Mark Tahbo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k636
Price: $ 2800
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with 4-panel geometric design plus fire clouds
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with 4-panel geometric design plus fire clouds
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cshog9368
Price: $ 2800
Dimensions: 7.5 in H by 13 in Dia

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A tall polychrome bowl decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Gloria Kahe of Hopi Gloria Kahe, Hopi, A tall polychrome bowl decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Gloria Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h210
Price: $ 2750
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 9 in H

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar with fire clouds, decorated with a classic Awatovi moth and geometric design above the shoulder
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar with fire clouds, decorated with a classic Awatovi moth and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h212
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 12.5 in L by 12.5 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Rachel Sahmie of Hopi Rachel Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Rachel Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho3b082
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 12.25 in L by 12.25 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a 4-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a 4-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho1k296
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 10 in H by 8.25 in Dia

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A red melon jar with seventeen repousse ribs
 by Alton Komalestewa of Hopi Alton Komalestewa, Hopi, A red melon jar with seventeen repousse ribs
Artist: Alton Komalestewa

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ljho4k012
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 6.5 in H

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A polychrome flat-top Sikyatki-style seed pot decorated with a four-panel Awatovi katsina and geometric design
 by James Nampeyo of Hopi James Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome flat-top Sikyatki-style seed pot decorated with a four-panel Awatovi katsina and geometric design
Artist: James Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: bbho4h061
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 13 in L by 13 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a lightly carved, sgraffito-and-painted corn dancers, ears-of-corn, bowl, jar, cornstalk, kiva step, and geometric design
 by Gary Polacca Nampeyo of Hopi Gary Polacca Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a lightly carved, sgraffito-and-painted corn dancers, ears-of-corn, bowl, jar, cornstalk, kiva step, and geometric design
Artist: Gary Polacca Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3g287
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 9.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with an organic opening and an 8-panel geometric design
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, Polychrome jar with an organic opening and an 8-panel geometric design
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lkho1l277
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 5.5 in Dia

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Black on yellow geometric design plus fire clouds 2nd Place SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market 1995 
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Black on yellow geometric design plus fire clouds 2nd Place SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market 1995
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: puhoh6012
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 5 in H by 8.5 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with a lizard, cornstalk, and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a lizard, cornstalk, and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho3c067
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome pot with four panel geometric design
 by Priscilla Namingha of Hopi Priscilla Namingha, Hopi, Polychrome pot with four panel geometric design
Artist: Priscilla Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: riho2f141
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 5.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 1950

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Polychrome jar with fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jbho2h113
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in H by 5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a four-panel katsina and geometric design
 by Rainy Naha of Hopi Rainy Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a four-panel katsina and geometric design
Artist: Rainy Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h203
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polished sienna melon jar with twenty-one ribs
 by Alton Komalestewa of Hopi Alton Komalestewa, Hopi, Polished sienna melon jar with twenty-one ribs
Artist: Alton Komalestewa

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: gmho4a125
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a migration pattern geometric design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a migration pattern geometric design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k647
Price: $ 2450
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with two panel lizard, cornstalk, and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with two panel lizard, cornstalk, and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2m500
Price: $ 2400
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 7.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Garrett Maho of Hopi Garrett Maho, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Garrett Maho

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h227m1
Price: $ 2400
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo of Hopi Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jrho2e141
Price: $ 2250
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho4a101
Price: $ 2250
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 6.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jbho2h112
Price: $ 2250
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 3.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, tadpole, bird element, fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, tadpole, bird element, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f340
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 6 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel shard and geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel shard and geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g431
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome cylinder with bird element and geometric design
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome cylinder with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhod9515
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 10 in H by 4.75 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with a flared lip and decorated with a parrot and geometric design above the shoulder and with ticks on the rim
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared lip and decorated with a parrot and geometric design above the shoulder and with ticks on the rim
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e238
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 5 in H

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A buff jar with an organic opening and an ear-of-corn applique
 by Iris Nampeyo of Hopi Iris Nampeyo, Hopi, A buff jar with an organic opening and an ear-of-corn applique
Artist: Iris Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4f315
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.25 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with an organic opening and a painted geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with an organic opening and a painted geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h706
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 5 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g016
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome bowl with migration pattern design and fire clouds
 by Priscilla Namingha of Hopi Priscilla Namingha, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with migration pattern design and fire clouds
Artist: Priscilla Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: nuho0a100
Price: $ 1950
Dimensions: 4.75 in H by 10 in Dia

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A white jar with an organic opening and decorated with an applique necklace around the neck and a sgraffito finish
 by Preston Duwyenie of Hopi Preston Duwyenie, Hopi, A white jar with an organic opening and decorated with an applique necklace around the neck and a sgraffito finish
Artist: Preston Duwyenie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h110
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 10 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel sherd and geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel sherd and geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4m416
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with frog, tadpole, moon, star, broken shard, geometric design, and micaceous slip details
 by Tyra Naha of Hopi Tyra Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with frog, tadpole, moon, star, broken shard, geometric design, and micaceous slip details
Artist: Tyra Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h190
Price: $ 1850
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 6 in H

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Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, lizard, and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, lizard, and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho3c065
Price: $ 1850
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jbho2h111
Price: $ 1850
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k621
Price: $ 1850
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 5 in H

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Polychrome jar with moth, dragonfly, and broken shard geometric design
 by Rainy Naha of Hopi Rainy Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with moth, dragonfly, and broken shard geometric design
Artist: Rainy Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h191
Price: $ 1850
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 5.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, corn plant and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, corn plant and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lkho3f240
Price: $ 1850
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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A black-on-red bowl with fire clouds and a two-panel bird element and geometric design below the shoulder and a four-panel crosshatching and geometric design above the shoulder
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A black-on-red bowl with fire clouds and a two-panel bird element and geometric design below the shoulder and a four-panel crosshatching and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g433
Price: $ 1800
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g024
Price: $ 1800
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome jar with turtle, fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with turtle, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jbho2h114
Price: $ 1800
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polychrome shallow bowl with a geometric design on inside and fire clouds on outside
 by Helen Naha of Hopi Helen Naha, Hopi, Polychrome shallow bowl with a geometric design on inside and fire clouds on outside
Artist: Helen Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b553
Price: $ 1800
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 2 in H

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Polychrome jar with a raised, recurved lip and an 8-panel migration pattern design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a raised, recurved lip and an 8-panel migration pattern design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jkho2b333
Price: $ 1800
Dimensions: 4.25 in H by 6.25 in Dia

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A micaceous black seed pot with an inlaid sterling silver Shifting Sands design and an organic opening
 by Preston Duwyenie of Hopi Preston Duwyenie, Hopi, A micaceous black seed pot with an inlaid sterling silver Shifting Sands design and an organic opening
Artist: Preston Duwyenie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4f321
Price: $ 1700
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3k046
Price: $ 1650
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted mudhead figures, brick, and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted mudhead figures, brick, and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: poho2f194
Price: $ 1650
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 2.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a geometric design and fire clouds
 by Stella Huma of Hopi Stella Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Stella Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2m518
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 10.25 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome bowl with band of geometric design inside and fire clouds inside and out 
 by Nancy Lewis of Hopi Nancy Lewis, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with band of geometric design inside and fire clouds inside and out
Artist: Nancy Lewis

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhof7302
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 4 in H by 11.5 in Dia

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Polychrome canteen with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design
 by Karen Charley of Hopi Karen Charley, Hopi, Polychrome canteen with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design
Artist: Karen Charley

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b535
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 9.25 in L by 9.25 in W by 6 in H

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Polychrome jar with lizard and geometric design, with micaceous slip details
 by Tyra Naha of Hopi Tyra Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with lizard and geometric design, with micaceous slip details
Artist: Tyra Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rmho2l081
Price: $ 1550
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 5 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved katsina dance design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved katsina dance design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho3c257
Price: $ 1550
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 5.75 in H

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A buff seed pot with an organic opening and an ear-of-corn applique
 by Iris Nampeyo of Hopi Iris Nampeyo, Hopi, A buff seed pot with an organic opening and an ear-of-corn applique
Artist: Iris Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: clho4g110
Price: $ 1550
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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A black-on-white jar with a pie crust rim, an Awatovi star and a six-panel lightning bolt, spiral and geometric design
 by Helen Naha aka Feather Woman of Hopi Helen Naha aka Feather Woman, Hopi, A black-on-white jar with a pie crust rim, an Awatovi star and a six-panel lightning bolt, spiral and geometric design
Artist: Helen Naha aka Feather Woman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: emho4e181
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel katsinas-flying-in-the-night-sky and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel katsinas-flying-in-the-night-sky and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e243
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 10.75 in H

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Large black on yellow bowl with fire clouds and geometric design inside
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Large black on yellow bowl with fire clouds and geometric design inside
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lshof8230
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 13.25 in L by 13.25 in W by 4 in H
Sale Price: $ 1020

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Polychrome jar decorated with a scattered broken shard design
 by Karen Abeita of Hopi Karen Abeita, Hopi, Polychrome jar decorated with a scattered broken shard design
Artist: Karen Abeita

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: udho1f041
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 6 in H by 6.5 in Dia

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Tall polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird, cornstalk, tadpole, and geometric design
 by Gwen Setalla of Hopi Gwen Setalla, Hopi, Tall polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird, cornstalk, tadpole, and geometric design
Artist: Gwen Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3g296
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 14.5 in H
Sale Price: $ 1200

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design, plus fire clouds
 by Stella Huma of Hopi Stella Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design, plus fire clouds
Artist: Stella Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cchog6167
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 9.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 1200

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
 by Debbie Clashin of Hopi Debbie Clashin, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
Artist: Debbie Clashin

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k646
Price: $ 1475
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by White Swann of Hopi White Swann, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: White Swann

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h211
Price: $ 1450
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 6 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Priscilla Namingha of Hopi Priscilla Namingha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Priscilla Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rsho2k203
Price: $ 1450
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with 4-panel geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Polychrome jar with 4-panel geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho1g265
Price: $ 1450
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 1100

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A polychrome jar with a rolled lip and decorated around the body with a migration pattern design and fire clouds
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a rolled lip and decorated around the body with a migration pattern design and fire clouds
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: brho4h292
Price: $ 1450
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 4.5 in H

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel checkerboard, bird element and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel checkerboard, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a197
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 11.25 in L by 11.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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Large polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Violet Huma of Hopi Violet Huma, Hopi, Large polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Violet Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g083
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 13 in L by 13 in W by 5.25 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel geometric design, Second Place Ribbon from Santa Fe Indian Market 1982
 by Verna Nahee of Hopi Verna Nahee, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel geometric design, Second Place Ribbon from Santa Fe Indian Market 1982
Artist: Verna Nahee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4m418
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 10.25 in W by 5.75 in H

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Black-on-white jar with fire clouds and a fine line, spiral, and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Black-on-white jar with fire clouds and a fine line, spiral, and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: aahoh7113
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a moth and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a moth and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3c134
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome rolled lip jar with a migration pattern design
 by Priscilla Namingha of Hopi Priscilla Namingha, Hopi, Polychrome rolled lip jar with a migration pattern design
Artist: Priscilla Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1h353
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 5.5 in H by 6 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with a raised rim and a geometric design above the shoulder
 by Eunice Navasie of Hopi Eunice Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a raised rim and a geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Eunice Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e206
Price: $ 1395
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with bird element and geometric design inside and a bird element and geometric design around the shoulder of the bowl
 by Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant of Hopi Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with bird element and geometric design inside and a bird element and geometric design around the shoulder of the bowl
Artist: Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3a060
Price: $ 1395
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 3 in H

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Black and red bowl with dragonfly, tadpole, and geometric design
 by Gwen Setalla of Hopi Gwen Setalla, Hopi, Black and red bowl with dragonfly, tadpole, and geometric design
Artist: Gwen Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2l163
Price: $ 1350
Dimensions: 11 in L by 11 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho4a113
Price: $ 1350
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 3.25 in H

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A polychrome jar with a raised rim and decorated with a migration pattern design
 by James Nampeyo of Hopi James Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a raised rim and decorated with a migration pattern design
Artist: James Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f617
Price: $ 1300
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a four-panel dancer and geometric design
 by Gloria Mahle of Hopi Gloria Mahle, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a four-panel dancer and geometric design
Artist: Gloria Mahle

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cpho3k170
Price: $ 1275
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 7 in H

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Polychrome jar with migration pattern design
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with migration pattern design
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: bvhof6080
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 6 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2j080
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 5.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a migration pattern design
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a migration pattern design
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: brho4h305
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 6.25 in H

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A polychrome jar with an everted rim and a band of moths, towers, scrolls and geometric design above the shoulder
 by James Nampeyo of Hopi James Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome jar with an everted rim and a band of moths, towers, scrolls and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: James Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3f286
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 6 in H

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A polychrome jar with a carved, sgraffito and painted three-panel eagle and geometric design
 by Thomas Polacca of Hopi Thomas Polacca, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a carved, sgraffito and painted three-panel eagle and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g427
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Priscilla Namingha of Hopi Priscilla Namingha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Priscilla Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b569
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel fine line and geometric design
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel fine line and geometric design
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b216
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel thunderbird, bird element and geometric design
 by Jeremy Adams of Hopi Jeremy Adams, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel thunderbird, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jeremy Adams

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2b404
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 10.25 in H by 7.5 in Dia

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A small, black on yellow canteen with handles and decorated on the face with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A small, black on yellow canteen with handles and decorated on the face with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j132
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Helen Naha aka Feather Woman of Hopi Helen Naha aka Feather Woman, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Helen Naha aka Feather Woman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g038
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with a flared lip and an 8-panel geometric design with a plain salmon ladle
 by Karen Charley of Hopi Karen Charley, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with a flared lip and an 8-panel geometric design with a plain salmon ladle
Artist: Karen Charley

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho1l147
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 5.25 in H by 9.5 in Dia

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A Polacca-D style bowl decorated inside with a pair of stylized bird-hanging-from-sky-band designs
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, A Polacca-D style bowl decorated inside with a pair of stylized bird-hanging-from-sky-band designs
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g430
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 12.25 in L by 12.25 in W by 3.5 in H

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A polychrome jar with a short neck and rolled lip, decorated around the body with a four-panel rainbow and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a short neck and rolled lip, decorated around the body with a four-panel rainbow and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a195
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 6.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
 by Dawn Navasie of Hopi Dawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jbhoe7241
Price: $ 1150
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 7.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 925

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Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, lizard, and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, lizard, and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mbho3c272
Price: $ 1150
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome plate decorated with a kokopelli, spiral, bear paw, lizard, cornstalk, spider, shard pattern and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome plate decorated with a kokopelli, spiral, bear paw, lizard, cornstalk, spider, shard pattern and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: poho2f197
Price: $ 1150
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 0.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted dancer and geometric design over a speckled background
 by Agnes Nahsonhoya of Hopi Agnes Nahsonhoya, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted dancer and geometric design over a speckled background
Artist: Agnes Nahsonhoya

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4a511
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 9.25 in L by 9.25 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h120
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 9.25 in L by 9.25 in W by 5 in H

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Polychrome seed pot jar with a 4-panel katsinas flying in the sky design with fire clouds
 by Eunice Navasie of Hopi Eunice Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot jar with a 4-panel katsinas flying in the sky design with fire clouds
Artist: Eunice Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e207
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome cylinder with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome cylinder with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g037
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 11 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4d029
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 5.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
 by White Swann of Hopi White Swann, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: White Swann

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho4f290
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder
 by Loren Ami of Hopi Loren Ami, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Loren Ami

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h706
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a196
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel eagletail and geometric design
 by Clinton Polacca of Hopi Clinton Polacca, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel eagletail and geometric design
Artist: Clinton Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jkho4f130
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 9.5 in H

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A brown on  tan jar decorated with a four-panel geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A brown on tan jar decorated with a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a193
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 6.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Helen Naha of Hopi Helen Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Helen Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jbho2h116
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2m112
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 9.25 in L by 9.25 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome bowl with bird element design inside, bird element and geometric design outside
 by Marianne Navasie of Hopi Marianne Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with bird element design inside, bird element and geometric design outside
Artist: Marianne Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rrhok9081
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 3.75 in H by 9 in Dia

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Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: caho4b073
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 11.25 in L by 11.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band design inside and a band of geometric design around the shoulder
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band design inside and a band of geometric design around the shoulder
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m625
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 9.25 in Dia

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A polychrome bowl decorated with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and splatter design inside with a geometric design and fire clouds on the outside
 by Les Namingha of Hopi Les Namingha, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and splatter design inside with a geometric design and fire clouds on the outside
Artist: Les Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j172
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome cylinder with a painted geometric design and fire clouds
 by Dorothy Ami of Hopi Dorothy Ami, Hopi, Polychrome cylinder with a painted geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Dorothy Ami

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: foho3h290
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 6.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a geometric design
 by Debbie Clashin of Hopi Debbie Clashin, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a geometric design
Artist: Debbie Clashin

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k655
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a tadpole and geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a tadpole and geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mbho3c273
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with lightly carved and painted koshare and geometric design
 by Delmar Polacca of Hopi Delmar Polacca, Hopi, Polychrome jar with lightly carved and painted koshare and geometric design
Artist: Delmar Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lkho2f260
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 7.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 725

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel water beetle katsina, bird element and geometric design
 by Vernida Polacca of Hopi Vernida Polacca, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel water beetle katsina, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Vernida Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j101
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted Mimbres rabbit, bird, lizard, and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted Mimbres rabbit, bird, lizard, and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lkho2l326
Price: $ 925
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 3.75 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, corn stalk and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, corn stalk and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f339
Price: $ 925
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 4 in H

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A polychrome bowl with fire clouds and decorated inside with a frog, bird element and geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome bowl with fire clouds and decorated inside with a frog, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g429
Price: $ 895
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e210
Price: $ 895
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome bowl with a geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with a geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2j095
Price: $ 895
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 3.5 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h710
Price: $ 875
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a geometric design
 by Maynard Navasie of Hopi Maynard Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a geometric design
Artist: Maynard Navasie & Veronica Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b200
Price: $ 875
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 8.75 in H

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Black and red jar with geometric design
 by Myrtle Young of Hopi Myrtle Young, Hopi, Black and red jar with geometric design
Artist: Myrtle Young

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g063
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with eagletail, bird element and geometric design 
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with eagletail, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: thhoc8194
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 5.25 in H by 9.25 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Leah Nampeyo of Hopi Leah Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Leah Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g018
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a stylized migration pattern design
 by Leah Nampeyo of Hopi Leah Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a stylized migration pattern design
Artist: Leah Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1h396
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 4 in H by 6.5 in Dia

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Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: nuho2m083
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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A black on red jar decorated around the shoulder with a four-panel geometric design and on the rim with geometric tick marks
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A black on red jar decorated around the shoulder with a four-panel geometric design and on the rim with geometric tick marks
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho5a281
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 6.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a four-panel geometric design
 by Marianne Navasie of Hopi Marianne Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Marianne Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3g305
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 9.25 in H

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Small polychrome jar with a migration pattern geometric design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Small polychrome jar with a migration pattern geometric design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho3g245
Price: $ 825
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 3.5 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and stylized migration pattern
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and stylized migration pattern
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4l210
Price: $ 795
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a tadpole and geometric design
 by Grace Navasie of Hopi Grace Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a tadpole and geometric design
Artist: Grace Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mmho3e191
Price: $ 775
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel sgraffito and painted geometric design
 by Gary Polacca Nampeyo of Hopi Gary Polacca Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel sgraffito and painted geometric design
Artist: Gary Polacca Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dlho3m122
Price: $ 775
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a geometric design
 by Valerie Kahe of Hopi Valerie Kahe, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a geometric design
Artist: Valerie Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h749
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 5.5 in H

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Small polychrome jar with a four panel geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Small polychrome jar with a four panel geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: aahoh7114
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside plus fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside plus fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m622
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 3 in H by 8.75 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by James Nampeyo of Hopi James Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: James Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3c132
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a pie crust rim and bands of geometric design above and below the shoulder
 by Grace Navasie of Hopi Grace Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a pie crust rim and bands of geometric design above and below the shoulder
Artist: Grace Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho2d282
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with moth and geometric design
 by Reva Polacca of Hopi Reva Polacca, Hopi, Polychrome jar with moth and geometric design
Artist: Reva Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho0h021
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 7.5 in H by 5.5 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird and geometric design over a speckled background
 by Agnes Nahsonhoya of Hopi Agnes Nahsonhoya, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird and geometric design over a speckled background
Artist: Agnes Nahsonhoya

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4a510
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 6.25 in H

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A black-on-red jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a painted katsina design
 by Randall Sahmie Nahto of Hopi Randall Sahmie Nahto, Hopi, A black-on-red jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a painted katsina design
Artist: Randall Sahmie Nahto

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3c250
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 6.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Neva Nampeyo of Hopi Neva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Neva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h336
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a thunderbird design
 by Gloria Kahe of Hopi Gloria Kahe, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a thunderbird design
Artist: Gloria Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b188
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 8 in H

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Red seed pot with sgraffito ram and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Red seed pot with sgraffito ram and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho2f089
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel geometric design
 by Rachel Sahmie of Hopi Rachel Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Rachel Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4a504
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Gloria Mahle of Hopi Gloria Mahle, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Gloria Mahle

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4d014
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 3.5 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated with a migration pattern design and fire clouds
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated with a migration pattern design and fire clouds
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: brho4h295
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a geometric design and a series of Mimbres creatures
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a geometric design and a series of Mimbres creatures
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4k035
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Stetson Setalla of Hopi Stetson Setalla, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Stetson Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g071
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 4 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a geometric design and on the inside with a bird element and geometric design
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a geometric design and on the inside with a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4l211
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 6.26 in L by 6.25 in W by 2.25 in H

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A red-on-buff jar with a raised neck and a sgraffito, carved and painted katsina and geometric design
 by Thomas Polacca of Hopi Thomas Polacca, Hopi, A red-on-buff jar with a raised neck and a sgraffito, carved and painted katsina and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g426
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5 in H

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A black-on-yellow jar with an everted rim and a checkerboard and geometric design around and above the shoulder
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, A black-on-yellow jar with an everted rim and a checkerboard and geometric design around and above the shoulder
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3f285
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome whiteware jar with a 2-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band motif with geometric design
 by Nancy Lewis of Hopi Nancy Lewis, Hopi, Polychrome whiteware jar with a 2-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band motif with geometric design
Artist: Nancy Lewis

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: isho1k223
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 7 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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A polychrome plate decorated with a thunderbird and bird element design
 by Valerie Kahe of Hopi Valerie Kahe, Hopi, A polychrome plate decorated with a thunderbird and bird element design
Artist: Valerie Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b102
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 1 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b219
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer, feather ring, and geometric design over a textured background
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer, feather ring, and geometric design over a textured background
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b114
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 6.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design inside and out
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design inside and out
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2j087
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 2.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a carved, sgraffito and painted corn dancer, kiva ladder, kiva step and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a carved, sgraffito and painted corn dancer, kiva ladder, kiva step and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4e222
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome bowl polished on the inside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design on the outside
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Polychrome bowl polished on the inside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design on the outside
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ttho1b265
Price: $ 675
Dimensions: 3.5 in H by 5.75 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a migration pattern geometric design
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a migration pattern geometric design
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: skho3m091
Price: $ 675
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design above the shoulder
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: khho1l243
Price: $ 650
Dimensions: 5.25 in H by 5.5 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Garnet Pavatea of Hopi Garnet Pavatea, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Garnet Pavatea

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g058
Price: $ 650
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome water jar with a 4-panel eagletail and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome water jar with a 4-panel eagletail and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho2d285
Price: $ 650
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4e072
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a tadpole and geometric design
 by Grace Navasie of Hopi Grace Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a tadpole and geometric design
Artist: Grace Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h205m2
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a lizard, cornstalk, fine line, and geometric design
 by Tyra Naha of Hopi Tyra Naha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a lizard, cornstalk, fine line, and geometric design
Artist: Tyra Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h202
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a tadpole and geometric design
 by Grace Navasie of Hopi Grace Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a tadpole and geometric design
Artist: Grace Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h205m1
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 4.25 in H

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Black on yellow bowl with geometric design inside and out
 by Rachel Sahmie of Hopi Rachel Sahmie, Hopi, Black on yellow bowl with geometric design inside and out
Artist: Rachel Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rwhog8311
Price: $ 600
Dimensions: 1.75 in H by 7.5 in Dia

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Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design on inside and outside
 by Rachel Sahmie of Hopi Rachel Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a checkerboard and geometric design on inside and outside
Artist: Rachel Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4a520
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared lip and geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared lip and geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g023
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 6.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 450

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Polychrome jar with a fine line, geometric design, and fire clouds
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a fine line, geometric design, and fire clouds
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g041
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with two openings, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted koyemsi design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with two openings, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted koyemsi design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lbho3c270
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 7 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Rayvin Nampeyo of Hopi Rayvin Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Rayvin Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2f168
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 4.25 in H

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A buff vase with a kiva-step cut rim and a sgraffito medallion with a kokopelli and geometric design
 by Nolan Youvella Nampeyo of Hopi Nolan Youvella Nampeyo, Hopi, A buff vase with a kiva-step cut rim and a sgraffito medallion with a kokopelli and geometric design
Artist: Nolan Youvella Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4d296
Price: $ 575
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 4.5 in H

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A carved and painted polychrome wedding vase decorated with a deer dancer and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, A carved and painted polychrome wedding vase decorated with a deer dancer and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f611
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 9.25 in H

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A polychrome white ware jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
 by White Swann of Hopi White Swann, Hopi, A polychrome white ware jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: White Swann

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho4f291
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a carved, painted and sgraffito hand, lizard and geometric design with an inlaid turquoise
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a carved, painted and sgraffito hand, lizard and geometric design with an inlaid turquoise
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jaho4e316
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a migration pattern design
 by Tonita Nampeyo of Hopi Tonita Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a migration pattern design
Artist: Tonita Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1h406
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 5.25 in H by 3.5 in Dia

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Polychrome seed pot with a carved-and-painted katsina and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a carved-and-painted katsina and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3c244
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric batwing design
 by Tyra Naha of Hopi Tyra Naha, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric batwing design
Artist: Tyra Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ttho2f066
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 2.75 in H

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A polychrome white ware jar decorated with a four-panel Payupki geometric design pattern
 by Eunice Navasie of Hopi Eunice Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome white ware jar decorated with a four-panel Payupki geometric design pattern
Artist: Eunice Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g428
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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A black-on-buff seed pot with a lizard, cornstalk, and geometric design
 by Nona Naha of Hopi Nona Naha, Hopi, A black-on-buff seed pot with a lizard, cornstalk, and geometric design
Artist: Nona Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho3f120
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 2 in H

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Polychrome jar with moth, geometric design, and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome jar with moth, geometric design, and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g054
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Loretta Navasie of Hopi Loretta Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Loretta Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho0m073
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 6.5 in H by 5.25 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Agnes Nahsonhoya of Hopi Agnes Nahsonhoya, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Agnes Nahsonhoya

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2f155
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 7.75 in H
Sale Price: $ 395

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Four piece black and white teacup and saucer set, with geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Four piece black and white teacup and saucer set, with geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: leho2h295
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 3 in L by 4 in W by 2.5 in H Measurement of teacup

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Polychrome jar with a flat body, a flared opening, and a fine line, kiva step, lightning bolt, and geometric design
 by Bill Navasie of Hopi Bill Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flat body, a flared opening, and a fine line, kiva step, lightning bolt, and geometric design
Artist: Bill Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b190
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g523
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a geometric design
 by Gloria Mahle of Hopi Gloria Mahle, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening, fire clouds, and a geometric design
Artist: Gloria Mahle

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b226
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 6.25 in H

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Miniature red jar with a sgraffito kokopelli, butterfly, and geometric design and inlaid turquoise stone details
 by Wallace Youvella of Hopi Wallace Youvella, Hopi, Miniature red jar with a sgraffito kokopelli, butterfly, and geometric design and inlaid turquoise stone details
Artist: Wallace Youvella

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3c263
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 1.75 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a migration pattern design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, A small polychrome jar decorated with a migration pattern design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: brho4h287
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome white jar with a band of bird element, crosshatching and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome white jar with a band of bird element, crosshatching and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho1l142
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 3.75 in Dia

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A polychrome rattle decorated with a geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome rattle decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: brho4h313
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 3 in W by 2.5 in H

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A polychrome cylinder with fire clouds decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder with fire clouds decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j124
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 7.75 in H

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Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito dancer and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito dancer and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3g233
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with an organic opening and a carved and painted sun face and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with an organic opening and a carved and painted sun face and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3f154
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 5.5 in H

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Black and red bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Black and red bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: leho2h294
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 2.5 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: emho4e172
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a pie crust opening, fire clouds, and a tadpole and geometric design
 by Grace Navasie of Hopi Grace Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a pie crust opening, fire clouds, and a tadpole and geometric design
Artist: Grace Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h204m2
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel bird and flower design
 by Patty Maho of Hopi Patty Maho, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel bird and flower design
Artist: Patty Maho

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: joho3k214
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 6.75 in H

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Black on yellowware bowl with handles, bird design, and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Black on yellowware bowl with handles, bird design, and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g043
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 7 in L by 9 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a tadpole and geometric design
 by Grace Navasie of Hopi Grace Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a tadpole and geometric design
Artist: Grace Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h204m1
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a geometric design
 by Dawn Navasie of Hopi Dawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a geometric design
Artist: Dawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g068
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 5 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with an eight-panel geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with an eight-panel geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j138
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 2.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird, geometric design, and fire clouds
 by Irma David of Hopi Irma David, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird, geometric design, and fire clouds
Artist: Irma David

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g066
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
 by Rosetta Huma of Hopi Rosetta Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Rosetta Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhog9420
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5 in H by 8 in Dia

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Polychrome canteen with fire clouds, a geometric design, and a braided leather handle
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome canteen with fire clouds, a geometric design, and a braided leather handle
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b533
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.75 in W by 3 in H

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Pair of two polychrome plates with geometric design, fire clouds, and holes in bottom
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, Pair of two polychrome plates with geometric design, fire clouds, and holes in bottom
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2f189
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 1.25 in H measurement of larger piece

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A polychrome seed pot with a two-panel carved and painted kachina dancer and geometric design
 by Elvira Nampeyo of Hopi Elvira Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot with a two-panel carved and painted kachina dancer and geometric design
Artist: Elvira Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f616
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 6 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a lizard, cornstalk, fine line, and geometric design
 by Nona Naha of Hopi Nona Naha, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lizard, cornstalk, fine line, and geometric design
Artist: Nona Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4d010
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Black and red jar with geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Black and red jar with geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g055
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 7.75 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a migration pattern geometric design
 by Nona Naha of Hopi Nona Naha, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a migration pattern geometric design
Artist: Nona Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3k419
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lkho1l261
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 3.5 in H by 1.5 in W by 3.25 in L

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Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito dancer, bowl, cornstalk, feather ring, and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito dancer, bowl, cornstalk, feather ring, and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3k047
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 5 in H

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A polychrome seed pot with an extended, recurved neck and decorated around the body with a migration pattern and geometric design
 by Nona Naha of Hopi Nona Naha, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot with an extended, recurved neck and decorated around the body with a migration pattern and geometric design
Artist: Nona Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j153
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome canteen with a fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome canteen with a fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b527
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 6.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Mae Mutz of Hopi Mae Mutz, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Mae Mutz

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h338
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a geometric design
 by Les Namingha of Hopi Les Namingha, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a geometric design
Artist: Les Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4d028
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a lightly carved and painted dancer, feather ring, ladder, and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a lightly carved and painted dancer, feather ring, ladder, and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3k042
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 5 in H

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An open black-on-yellow bowl decorated outside with a band of geometric design and inside with a Pahlik Mana design
 by Vernida Polacca of Hopi Vernida Polacca, Hopi, An open black-on-yellow bowl decorated outside with a band of geometric design and inside with a Pahlik Mana design
Artist: Vernida Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j142
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 1.75 in H

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A polychrome mixed-clay seed pot decorated with a lightly-carved and painted Hopi dancer and geometric design
 by Delmar Polacca of Hopi Delmar Polacca, Hopi, A polychrome mixed-clay seed pot decorated with a lightly-carved and painted Hopi dancer and geometric design
Artist: Delmar Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4j123
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Ethel Youvella of Hopi Ethel Youvella, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Ethel Youvella

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: gmho3a180
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 2.5 in H

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Polychrome white ware jar with geometric design 
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome white ware jar with geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhoe6625
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 3.5 in H by 3 in Dia

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A gourd-shaped pot decorated a bird element and geometric design, plus a couple lady bug appliques
 by Gabriel Tahbo of Hopi Gabriel Tahbo, Hopi, A gourd-shaped pot decorated a bird element and geometric design, plus a couple lady bug appliques
Artist: Gabriel Tahbo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4j141
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4.5 in H

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Small sepia seed pot with sgraffito koshare, basket of corn, pueblo, and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Small sepia seed pot with sgraffito koshare, basket of corn, pueblo, and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2k126
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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Black-on-yellow pitcher with a handle and a geometric design
 by Priscilla Namingha of Hopi Priscilla Namingha, Hopi, Black-on-yellow pitcher with a handle and a geometric design
Artist: Priscilla Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2b415
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2.75 in H by 3 in W by 3.25 in L

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Titled The Man Behind Them, a polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer, kokopelli, ear-of-corn, raincloud, and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Titled The Man Behind Them, a polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer, kokopelli, ear-of-corn, raincloud, and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k614
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Grace Navasie of Hopi Grace Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Grace Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mmho3e192
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 4.5 in H

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Red and black rattle with fire clouds, a geometric design, and a string handle
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Red and black rattle with fire clouds, a geometric design, and a string handle
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g527
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Black and brown plate with people, kokopelli, bear paw, snake, handprint, bird, butterfly, geometric design and fire clouds
 by Billy Tawyesva of Hopi Billy Tawyesva, Hopi, Black and brown plate with people, kokopelli, bear paw, snake, handprint, bird, butterfly, geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Billy Tawyesva

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2f188
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 0.25 in H

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Black and red jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, Black and red jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g048
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 3.5 in H

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Round polychrome tile with fire clouds and a Pahlik Mana design
 by Valerie Kahe of Hopi Valerie Kahe, Hopi, Round polychrome tile with fire clouds and a Pahlik Mana design
Artist: Valerie Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b522
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 0.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie & Eunice Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3f128
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5 in H

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A miniature polychrome bowl decorated with a spiral, fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, A miniature polychrome bowl decorated with a spiral, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4m407
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.5 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g028
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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A small polychrome bowl decorated on the outside with a pair of katsina figures and geometric design
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, A small polychrome bowl decorated on the outside with a pair of katsina figures and geometric design
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4l212m2
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Black-on-white jar with a geometric design
 by Delaine Tootsie Chee of Hopi Delaine Tootsie Chee, Hopi, Black-on-white jar with a geometric design
Artist: Delaine Tootsie Chee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3k353m2
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 4.5 in H

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A small polychrome bowl with a ten-panel bat wing and geometric design
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, A small polychrome bowl with a ten-panel bat wing and geometric design
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho3h030
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 2 in H

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Black seed pot with Tewa Sun sgraffito designL19
 by Wallace Youvella of Hopi Wallace Youvella, Hopi, Black seed pot with Tewa Sun sgraffito designL19
Artist: Wallace Youvella

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2e336
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4l212m1
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Black-on-white jar with a geometric design
 by Delaine Tootsie Chee of Hopi Delaine Tootsie Chee, Hopi, Black-on-white jar with a geometric design
Artist: Delaine Tootsie Chee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3k353m1
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Vernida Polacca of Hopi Vernida Polacca, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Vernida Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g021
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome tourist market bowl decorated with a four-panel geometric design around the body
 by Marie Koopee of Hopi Marie Koopee, Hopi, A polychrome tourist market bowl decorated with a four-panel geometric design around the body
Artist: Marie Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f637
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a stylized migration pattern design
 by Miriam Nampeyo of Hopi Miriam Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a stylized migration pattern design
Artist: Miriam Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j170
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 5 in H

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Black-on-white jar with a geometric design on inside and outside
 by Delaine Tootsie Chee of Hopi Delaine Tootsie Chee, Hopi, Black-on-white jar with a geometric design on inside and outside
Artist: Delaine Tootsie Chee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3k353m3
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g019
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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Small polychrome seed pot with a carved and painted kokopelli and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Small polychrome seed pot with a carved and painted kokopelli and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3c243
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel geometric design around the body
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated with a four-panel geometric design around the body
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f626
Price: $ 295
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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Sepia seed pot with sgraffito dancer and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Sepia seed pot with sgraffito dancer and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2k113
Price: $ 295
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design
 by Marianne Navasie of Hopi Marianne Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design
Artist: Marianne Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho2k062
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a carved and painted butterfly, flower, and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a carved and painted butterfly, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3f155
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire cloud
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire cloud
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: leho2h291
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 2.75 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated above the shoulder with a geometric design
 by Terran Naha of Hopi Terran Naha, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated above the shoulder with a geometric design
Artist: Terran Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4m022
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome cylinder decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j123
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 6 in H

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Black-on-red bowl polished inside and decorated outside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Jofern Silas Puffer of Hopi Jofern Silas Puffer, Hopi, Black-on-red bowl polished inside and decorated outside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jofern Silas Puffer

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jtho1j325
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and geometric design over a textured background
 by Gary Polacca Nampeyo of Hopi Gary Polacca Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and geometric design over a textured background
Artist: Gary Polacca Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jhho3l210
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome ladle with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Laura Tomosie of Hopi Laura Tomosie, Hopi, Polychrome ladle with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Laura Tomosie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g079
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 5 in H

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Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a triangular body and lid, a Hopi-inspired bird, thunderbird, dancer,  dragonfly, and fine line geometric design, and a lid with triangular geometric cut-outs
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a triangular body and lid, a Hopi-inspired bird, thunderbird, dancer, dragonfly, and fine line geometric design, and a lid with triangular geometric cut-outs
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4c180m2
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with carved-and-painted katsina and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with carved-and-painted katsina and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: bbho2k120
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b143
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 4 in H

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Small polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a six-panel geometric design
 by Sadie Adams of Hopi Sadie Adams, Hopi, Small polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a six-panel geometric design
Artist: Sadie Adams

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: joho3k158
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 2.75 in H

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A brown-on-yellow thin neck jar decorated with a band of stylized migration pattern design around the shoulder
 by Neva Nampeyo of Hopi Neva Nampeyo, Hopi, A brown-on-yellow thin neck jar decorated with a band of stylized migration pattern design around the shoulder
Artist: Neva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4e226
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 5.5 in H

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Red bowl with a corrugated texture design
 by Lucy Nahee of Hopi Lucy Nahee, Hopi, Red bowl with a corrugated texture design
Artist: Lucy Nahee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jtho1j316
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j147
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.5 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel hachure, bird element and geometric design
 by Cynthia Sequi of Hopi Cynthia Sequi, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel hachure, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Cynthia Sequi

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4e224
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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A polychrome jar with a raised rim and decorated with a bat-wing migration pattern design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a raised rim and decorated with a bat-wing migration pattern design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j145
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.25 in H

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A black-on-yellow round tile decorated with a thunderbird tail and geometric design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, A black-on-yellow round tile decorated with a thunderbird tail and geometric design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h709m1
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 0.25 in H

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Polychrome diamond tile with geometric design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome diamond tile with geometric design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho0f010m5
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 0.25 in H by 4.75 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3f177
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 4.25 in H

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A polychrome round tile decorated with a bird element and geometric design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome round tile decorated with a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h709m3
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.5 in W by 0.25 in H

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Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito and lightly carved turtle and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito and lightly carved turtle and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b177
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito dancer, sun face, corn stalk, and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Sienna seed pot with a sgraffito dancer, sun face, corn stalk, and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b154
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 3 in H

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Entitled Hee ni tuuwala, a small polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and sun face geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Entitled Hee ni tuuwala, a small polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and sun face geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3k481
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 1 in H

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Polychrome jar with a geometric design on outside and a frog design on inside
 by Donna Robertson of Hopi Donna Robertson, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a geometric design on outside and a frog design on inside
Artist: Donna Robertson

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ddho4c136
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 2 in H

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Polychrome yellowware bowl with a 4-panel bat wing and geometric design
 by Antoinette Honie of Hopi Antoinette Honie, Hopi, Polychrome yellowware bowl with a 4-panel bat wing and geometric design
Artist: Antoinette Honie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m607
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 1.75 in H by 5.5 in Dia

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A polychrome tile with a lightly-carved, sgraffito and painted sun katsina and geometric design
 by Elson Seckletstewa of Hopi Elson Seckletstewa, Hopi, A polychrome tile with a lightly-carved, sgraffito and painted sun katsina and geometric design
Artist: Elson Seckletstewa

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a198
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4 in W by 0.25 in H

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A brown-on-tan seed jar decorated with a geometric design
 by Verna Nahee of Hopi Verna Nahee, Hopi, A brown-on-tan seed jar decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Verna Nahee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cfho4f170
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho2f068
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 3.25 in H

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A polychrome tile decorated with a katsina design and fire clouds
 by Patricia Honie of Hopi Patricia Honie, Hopi, A polychrome tile decorated with a katsina design and fire clouds
Artist: Patricia Honie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a200
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 3.5 in W by 0.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a migration pattern design
 by Adelle Nampeyo of Hopi Adelle Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a migration pattern design
Artist: Adelle Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j169
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 4 in H

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Small polychrome jar with a carved and painted dancer, cornstalk, and geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Small polychrome jar with a carved and painted dancer, cornstalk, and geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3g234
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Donna Robertson of Hopi Donna Robertson, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Donna Robertson

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e233
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 5 in H

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Small polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and dragonfly design
 by Alice Dashee of Hopi Alice Dashee, Hopi, Small polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and dragonfly design
Artist: Alice Dashee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k616
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated around and above the shoulder with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated around and above the shoulder with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j146
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Small polychrome jar with a geometric design
 by Carla Nampeyo of Hopi Carla Nampeyo, Hopi, Small polychrome jar with a geometric design
Artist: Carla Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3c248
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 3.5 in H

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A black-on-yellow jar with a recurved neck and decorated with a four-panel geometric design around the shoulder
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A black-on-yellow jar with a recurved neck and decorated with a four-panel geometric design around the shoulder
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j144
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 4.25 in H

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A polychrome tile decorated with a katsina design and fire clouds
 by Patricia Honie of Hopi Patricia Honie, Hopi, A polychrome tile decorated with a katsina design and fire clouds
Artist: Patricia Honie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a201
Price: $ 165
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 3.75 in W by 0.25 in H

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A polychrome tile decorated with a katsina design and fire clouds
 by Patricia Honie of Hopi Patricia Honie, Hopi, A polychrome tile decorated with a katsina design and fire clouds
Artist: Patricia Honie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a199
Price: $ 165
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 0.25 in H

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Small polychrome bowl with butterfly and geometric design
 by Terran Naha of Hopi Terran Naha, Hopi, Small polychrome bowl with butterfly and geometric design
Artist: Terran Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h201
Price: $ 155
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 2 in H

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Polychrome plate with fire clouds and a bird design
 by Laura Preston of Hopi Laura Preston, Hopi, Polychrome plate with fire clouds and a bird design
Artist: Laura Preston

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: joho3k120
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 1 in H

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Black-on-red bowl with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Eleanor Ami of Hopi Eleanor Ami, Hopi, Black-on-red bowl with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Eleanor Ami

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e102
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Anita Polacca of Hopi Anita Polacca, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Anita Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2f194
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Ella Mae Talashie of Hopi Ella Mae Talashie, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Ella Mae Talashie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g047
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 3 in H

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Small polychrome canteen with fire clouds, a painted bird and geometric design, and a metallic string strap detail
 by Alice Dashee of Hopi Alice Dashee, Hopi, Small polychrome canteen with fire clouds, a painted bird and geometric design, and a metallic string strap detail
Artist: Alice Dashee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k617
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 3.5 in W by 2 in H

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Black and red shallow bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Black and red shallow bowl with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g026
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 1.25 in H

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Small black-on-yellowware basket with a 6-panel geometric design and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Small black-on-yellowware basket with a 6-panel geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m605
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 3.5 in H by 3.75 in Dia

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Small polychrome on marbleized clay bowl with a geometric design on inside and outside
 by Delaine Tootsie Chee of Hopi Delaine Tootsie Chee, Hopi, Small polychrome on marbleized clay bowl with a geometric design on inside and outside
Artist: Delaine Tootsie Chee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3k352
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Black-on-yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Black-on-yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m617
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 1.25 in H by 4.5 in Dia

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Black-and-white-on-red bowl with a 4-direction geometric design
 by Kochahonawe of Hopi Kochahonawe, Hopi, Black-and-white-on-red bowl with a 4-direction geometric design
Artist: Kochahonawe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jtho1j333
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 3.5 in H by 4.5 in Dia

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Miniature black-on-red ladle with a geometric design on the handle and insideE30
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Miniature black-on-red ladle with a geometric design on the handle and insideE30
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: nuho2c549
Price: $ 35
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1 in W by 2 in H

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A black on red bowl decorated with a four-panel crosshatch, spiral and geometric design
 by Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant of Hopi Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant, Hopi, A black on red bowl decorated with a four-panel crosshatch, spiral and geometric design
Artist: Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: klho4l223
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 3.75 in H

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A polychrome cylinder with a ticked rim and a two-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder with a ticked rim and a two-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j121
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 6.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
 by Bernadette Poleahla of Hopi Bernadette Poleahla, Hopi, Polychrome jar with geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Bernadette Poleahla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2h230m2
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 5.5 in H

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A polychrome jar with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Karen Charley of Hopi Karen Charley, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Karen Charley

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3f234
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.25 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated inside with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated inside with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h115
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 2.75 in H

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A large, buff-colored seed pot with a carved pueblo ruin, from his Mesa Verde Series
 by Al Qoyawayma of Hopi Al Qoyawayma, Hopi, A large, buff-colored seed pot with a carved pueblo ruin, from his Mesa Verde Series
Artist: Al Qoyawayma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lsho4l210
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 17.5 in L by 17.5 in W by 10.5 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a geometric design
 by Emma Naha of Hopi Emma Naha, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a geometric design
Artist: Emma Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3c236
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Dawn Navasie of Hopi Dawn Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Dawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j141
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a raised rim and a 4-panel geometric design around the shoulder
 by Nancy Lewis of Hopi Nancy Lewis, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a raised rim and a 4-panel geometric design around the shoulder
Artist: Nancy Lewis

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: isho1k225
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.75 in H by 5 in Dia

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a lightly-carved, sgraffito-and-painted Corn Maiden, corn stalk, kokopelli and rock art geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a lightly-carved, sgraffito-and-painted Corn Maiden, corn stalk, kokopelli and rock art geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4m114
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 3.5 in H

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A polychrome cylinder decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f521
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 10.5 in H

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Large polychrome jar with fire clouds and a feather, spiral, and geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, Large polychrome jar with fire clouds and a feather, spiral, and geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rwho4a310
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 13.5 in L by 13.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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A black-on-yellow seed pot with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder and a Fred Harvey Hopi Villages tag
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A black-on-yellow seed pot with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder and a Fred Harvey Hopi Villages tag
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j136
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a four-panel geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dsho4c052
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 3.75 in H
Sale Price: $ SOLD

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A micaceous buff jar lightly carved with a Shifting Sands design above the shoulder
 by Preston Duwyenie of Hopi Preston Duwyenie, Hopi, A micaceous buff jar lightly carved with a Shifting Sands design above the shoulder
Artist: Preston Duwyenie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4g320
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a painted geometric design
 by Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo of Hopi Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a painted geometric design
Artist: Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k622
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 4 in H

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A black on red jar with a raised rim and a bird element and geometric design, Honorable Mention ribbon from Museum of Northern Arizona
 by Maryan Denet of Hopi Maryan Denet, Hopi, A black on red jar with a raised rim and a bird element and geometric design, Honorable Mention ribbon from Museum of Northern Arizona
Artist: Maryan Denet

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f634
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 5.5 in H

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A low-shoulder jar decorated around and above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A low-shoulder jar decorated around and above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j133
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a geometric design
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho3h031
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 3.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel turtle, bird element and geometric design
 by Eunice Navasie of Hopi Eunice Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel turtle, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Eunice Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: brho4h316
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 10 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a kiva step geometric design
 by Gloria Kahe of Hopi Gloria Kahe, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a kiva step geometric design
Artist: Gloria Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b228
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 6.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a tapered shape and a geometric design
 by Agnes Nahsonhoya of Hopi Agnes Nahsonhoya, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a tapered shape and a geometric design
Artist: Agnes Nahsonhoya

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4a506
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 7 in H

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A black-on-red jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Ethel Youvella of Hopi Ethel Youvella, Hopi, A black-on-red jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Ethel Youvella

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4e223
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 5.5 in H

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