Lawrence Namoki

We found pieces by Lawrence Namoki in our online inventory. Thumbnails with links to more information about each is displayed below. More pieces may be available in our Santa Fe gallery. If you are interested in a piece or wish to learn more about other pieces in our gallery please E-mail us or call us at 505-986-1234.

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Polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted mudhead figures, brick, and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted mudhead figures, brick, and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: poho2f194
Price: $ 1650
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 2.5 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved katsina dance design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved katsina dance design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho3c257
Price: $ 1550
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome plate decorated with a kokopelli, spiral, bear paw, lizard, cornstalk, spider, shard pattern and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome plate decorated with a kokopelli, spiral, bear paw, lizard, cornstalk, spider, shard pattern and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: poho2f197
Price: $ 1150
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 0.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted Mimbres rabbit, bird, lizard, and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted Mimbres rabbit, bird, lizard, and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lkho2l326
Price: $ 925
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 3.75 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a geometric design and a series of Mimbres creatures
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a geometric design and a series of Mimbres creatures
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4k035
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3.75 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a carved, painted and sgraffito hand, lizard and geometric design with an inlaid turquoise
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a carved, painted and sgraffito hand, lizard and geometric design with an inlaid turquoise
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jaho4e316
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g523
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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Titled The Man Behind Them, a polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer, kokopelli, ear-of-corn, raincloud, and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Titled The Man Behind Them, a polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved, sgraffito, and painted dancer, kokopelli, ear-of-corn, raincloud, and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k614
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 2.75 in H

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Entitled Hee ni tuuwala, a small polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and sun face geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Entitled Hee ni tuuwala, a small polychrome seed pot with a lightly carved and painted dancer and sun face geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3k481
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 1 in H

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A small polychrome seed pot decorated with a dancer, warrior, wall mural and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, A small polychrome seed pot decorated with a dancer, warrior, wall mural and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4d257
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a lightly-carved, sgraffito-and-painted Corn Maiden, corn stalk, kokopelli and rock art geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a lightly-carved, sgraffito-and-painted Corn Maiden, corn stalk, kokopelli and rock art geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4m114
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 3.5 in H

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