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Your search for miniature returned 120 result(s) sorted by price.

Information about: in-store pottery-making demonstrations and the traditional process of making pottery

Polychrome jar with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, a gold kintsugi repair detail, and two miniature balanced matachine figures with feather and mask details
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, a gold kintsugi repair detail, and two miniature balanced matachine figures with feather and mask details
Artist: Carla Martinez & Diego Valles

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3g251
Price: $ 7200
Dimensions: 11.25 in L by 11.25 in W by 9.25 in H, measurement includes stand and masked matachine

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A miniature red seed pot decorated with a a sgraffito turkey, feather, scroll, avanyu, katsina and geometric design
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, A miniature red seed pot decorated with a a sgraffito turkey, feather, scroll, avanyu, katsina and geometric design
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4f409
Price: $ 3500
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito insects, arachnids and geometric design
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito insects, arachnids and geometric design
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc0b184
Price: $ 3200
Dimensions: 1.75 in H by 2 in Dia

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A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a three-panel sgraffito and painted fish and geometric design
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a three-panel sgraffito and painted fish and geometric design
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: dbsc4d317
Price: $ 2450
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted antelope and geometric design
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted antelope and geometric design
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: nhsc0g312
Price: $ 2020
Dimensions: 1.25 in H by 1.25 in Dia

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Miniature brown seed pot with sgraffito Mimbres pronghorn antelope and geometric design, Includes stand with nameplate and glass coveringH28
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature brown seed pot with sgraffito Mimbres pronghorn antelope and geometric design, Includes stand with nameplate and glass coveringH28
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: fasc2f150
Price: $ 1995
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.25 in H

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A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted elk, butterfly, cactus, bear paw and geometric design
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted elk, butterfly, cactus, bear paw and geometric design
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc4j131
Price: $ 1950
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature polychrome jar with sgraffito Mimbres bird, heart, butterfly, and geometric design
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome jar with sgraffito Mimbres bird, heart, butterfly, and geometric design
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2k015
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito butterfly, scroll and geometric design
 by Rosemary Lonewolf of Santa Clara Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito butterfly, scroll and geometric design
Artist: Rosemary Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc0b186
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 2.25 in H by 2.5 in Dia

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Miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted insect, butterfly, and cross designJ31
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted insect, butterfly, and cross designJ31
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2g320
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.75 in W by 0.75 in H

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Small black canteen with handles and carved with an avanyu design on the front and rearH07
 by Shirley Tafoya of Santa Clara Shirley Tafoya, Santa Clara, Small black canteen with handles and carved with an avanyu design on the front and rearH07
Artist: Shirley Tafoya

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2b348
Price: $ 1350
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 2.25 in W by 2 in H Measurement includes stopper

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Miniature polychrome jar with an organic opening and a fine line and geometric design
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Miniature polychrome jar with an organic opening and a fine line and geometric design
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1m075m2
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 2.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted bird, fish and geometric designJ21
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted bird, fish and geometric designJ21
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: jksc2b342
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.75 in W by 0.75 in H

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Small red-on-red seed pot with a sgraffito animal, feather, star and geometric designJ48
 by Rosemary Lonewolf of Santa Clara Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Small red-on-red seed pot with a sgraffito animal, feather, star and geometric designJ48
Artist: Rosemary Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m790
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 2.5 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito eagle, lightning bolt, storm cloud, and geometric design
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito eagle, lightning bolt, storm cloud, and geometric design
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2k014
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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Red seed pot with a sgraffito pronghorn antelope and geometric designJ49
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Red seed pot with a sgraffito pronghorn antelope and geometric designJ49
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m519
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 2 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito deer, hunter, nature and geometric design
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito deer, hunter, nature and geometric design
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: hssck9177
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 1.5 in H by 1.75 in Dia

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Miniature polychrome matachine effigy with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, holding a matching guitar, and featuring a gold kintsugi repair on arm
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Miniature polychrome matachine effigy with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, holding a matching guitar, and featuring a gold kintsugi repair on arm
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3g252m3
Price: $ 825
Dimensions: 1.75 in l by 1.25 in W by 1.75 in H, measurement includes guitar in hand

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Miniature polychrome jar with an organic opening and a hummingbird and geometric design
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Miniature polychrome jar with an organic opening and a hummingbird and geometric design
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3d253m2
Price: $ 825
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.25 in H, Stand shown for scale only

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Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito fish, water wave and geometric designJ55
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito fish, water wave and geometric designJ55
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: jksc2b343
Price: $ 795
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito turtle and geometric designH19
 by Rosemary Lonewolf of Santa Clara Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito turtle and geometric designH19
Artist: Rosemary Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2g337m2
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted dancer, kokopelli, butterfly and geometric design
 by Camilio Tafoya of Santa Clara Camilio Tafoya, Santa Clara, A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted dancer, kokopelli, butterfly and geometric design
Artist: Camilio Tafoya

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: lksc4m102
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito Mimbres bird, animal, insect and geometric designJ51
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito Mimbres bird, animal, insect and geometric designJ51
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m518
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito bird, branch and geometric designG32
 by Rosemary Lonewolf of Santa Clara Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito bird, branch and geometric designG32
Artist: Rosemary Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m720
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature polished red seed pot with sgraffito bear designH29
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature polished red seed pot with sgraffito bear designH29
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2e340
Price: $ 675
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature white-on-red jar with an avanyu, feather, and geometric designD10
 by Dolores Curran of Santa Clara Dolores Curran, Santa Clara, Miniature white-on-red jar with an avanyu, feather, and geometric designD10
Artist: Dolores Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2g326m2
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 2 in H

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Polychrome jar with a handle, a black-on-white painted kiva step and geometric design, and a miniature owl figure perched on the rim
 by Kimo DeCora of Isleta Kimo DeCora, Isleta, Polychrome jar with a handle, a black-on-white painted kiva step and geometric design, and a miniature owl figure perched on the rim
Artist: Kimo DeCora

Pueblo: Isleta
Item Number: zzle4d052
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 5 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc3c255
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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A miniature polychrome jar decorated with a geometric design built of tiny squares filled in
 by Frederica Antonio of Acoma Frederica Antonio, Acoma, A miniature polychrome jar decorated with a geometric design built of tiny squares filled in
Artist: Frederica Antonio

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac5a233
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with a raised rim and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design above the shoulderF59
 by Geri Naranjo of Santa Clara Geri Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with a raised rim and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design above the shoulderF59
Artist: Geri Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m747
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature brown seed pot with sgraffito lizard, dragonfly, and geometric designJ52
 by Rosemary Lonewolf of Santa Clara Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature brown seed pot with sgraffito lizard, dragonfly, and geometric designJ52
Artist: Rosemary Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: lksc2f255
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature red jar with a sgraffito kokopelli, butterfly, and geometric design and inlaid turquoise stone details
 by Wallace Youvella of Hopi Wallace Youvella, Hopi, Miniature red jar with a sgraffito kokopelli, butterfly, and geometric design and inlaid turquoise stone details
Artist: Wallace Youvella

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho3c263
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature white-on-red jar with a ring of feathers and geometric designD12
 by Ursula Curran of Santa Clara Ursula Curran, Santa Clara, Miniature white-on-red jar with a ring of feathers and geometric designD12
Artist: Ursula Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2g331m5
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.75 in H

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A miniature black on black Dineh nativity set with 13 pieces
 by Linda Askan of Santa Clara Linda Askan, Santa Clara, A miniature black on black Dineh nativity set with 13 pieces
Artist: Linda Askan

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4m231
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1 in W by 1.25 in H Measurement of largest piece

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Black seed pot jar with a sgraffito Flute Player and geometric designG02
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Black seed pot jar with a sgraffito Flute Player and geometric designG02
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m748
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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Plain, polished miniature black jar
 by Shirley Tafoya of Santa Clara Shirley Tafoya, Santa Clara, Plain, polished miniature black jar
Artist: Shirley Tafoya

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: plsc1k313
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1 in H

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Entitled - Mountain Lion, a miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted mountain lion, pheasant, grass, and geometric design
 by Greg Lonewolf of Santa Clara Greg Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Entitled - Mountain Lion, a miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted mountain lion, pheasant, grass, and geometric design
Artist: Greg Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: josc3k113
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted avanyu and geometric design
 by Rosemary Lonewolf of Santa Clara Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed pot with sgraffito and painted avanyu and geometric design
Artist: Rosemary Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: xxsch8124
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1 in W by 0.75 in H
Sale Price: $ 305

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Miniature red seed pot with a 3-medallion and geometric design with a quail, a turtle and a lizardG75
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a 3-medallion and geometric design with a quail, a turtle and a lizardG75
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m781
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with sienna spots and a sgraffito kokopelli, Eagle dancer, and geometric design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with sienna spots and a sgraffito kokopelli, Eagle dancer, and geometric design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc3c253
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature black on black jar with avanyu, ring of feathers, and geometric design
 by Dolores Curran of Santa Clara Dolores Curran, Santa Clara, Miniature black on black jar with avanyu, ring of feathers, and geometric design
Artist: Dolores Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2h115
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W 2 in H

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Miniature black and red seed pot with a sgraffito antelope and geometric design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature black and red seed pot with a sgraffito antelope and geometric design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc3b190
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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A miniature black jar with a sgraffito geometric design above the shoulder
 by Haungooah aka Art Cody of Santa Clara Haungooah aka Art Cody, Santa Clara, A miniature black jar with a sgraffito geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Haungooah aka Art Cody

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: shsc4f480
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 2.25 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with 2 sienna spots and a sgraffito rabbit, turtle and geometric designG13
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with 2 sienna spots and a sgraffito rabbit, turtle and geometric designG13
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m727
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature black jar with a tall neck, a flared opening, a sienna rim, and a sgraffito avanyu, kiva step, and geometric design
 by Geri Naranjo of Santa Clara Geri Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature black jar with a tall neck, a flared opening, a sienna rim, and a sgraffito avanyu, kiva step, and geometric design
Artist: Geri Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: josc3k123
Price: $ 400
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 2.25 in H

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Miniature white-on-red jar with a ring of feathers and geometric designD16
 by Ursula Curran of Santa Clara Ursula Curran, Santa Clara, Miniature white-on-red jar with a ring of feathers and geometric designD16
Artist: Ursula Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2g332m4
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.75 in H

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A miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted lizard and geometric design plus an inlaid stone
 by Glendora Fragua of Jemez Glendora Fragua, Jemez, A miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted lizard and geometric design plus an inlaid stone
Artist: Glendora Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: dkje4d266
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with a 2-panel sgraffito yeibichai and geometric design, entitled Rainbow ManG17
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a 2-panel sgraffito yeibichai and geometric design, entitled Rainbow ManG17
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m714
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature black bowl with a sienna rim and a sgraffito koshare, pueblo, avanyu, feather ring, bear paw, and geometric design
 by Kevin Naranjo of Santa Clara Kevin Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature black bowl with a sienna rim and a sgraffito koshare, pueblo, avanyu, feather ring, bear paw, and geometric design
Artist: Kevin Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc3c260
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with a sunface, butterfly, flower, and geometric design
 by Goldenrod of Santa Clara Goldenrod, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sunface, butterfly, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Goldenrod

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: llsc3g295
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature red-on-red jar with a geometric designD15
 by Ursula Curran of Santa Clara Ursula Curran, Santa Clara, Miniature red-on-red jar with a geometric designD15
Artist: Ursula Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2g333m2
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature black jar with a tall neck, a scalloped opening, a sienna rim, and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design
 by Geri Naranjo of Santa Clara Geri Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature black jar with a tall neck, a scalloped opening, a sienna rim, and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design
Artist: Geri Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: josc3k127
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature red jar with a sgraffito Mimbres turkey and geometric design in a medallionG12
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature red jar with a sgraffito Mimbres turkey and geometric design in a medallionG12
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m732
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature white-on-red jar with an avanyu, ring of feathers, and geometric designD32
 by Ursula Curran of Santa Clara Ursula Curran, Santa Clara, Miniature white-on-red jar with an avanyu, ring of feathers, and geometric designD32
Artist: Ursula Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2g333m3
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.25 in H

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Black seed pot with Tewa Sun sgraffito designL19
 by Wallace Youvella of Hopi Wallace Youvella, Hopi, Black seed pot with Tewa Sun sgraffito designL19
Artist: Wallace Youvella

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2e336
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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A miniature polychrome bowl decorated with a spiral, fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, A miniature polychrome bowl decorated with a spiral, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4m407
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.5 in H

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A miniature red bowl carved with a stylized avanyu design around the shoulder
 by Teresita Naranjo of Santa Clara Teresita Naranjo, Santa Clara, A miniature red bowl carved with a stylized avanyu design around the shoulder
Artist: Teresita Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: dksc4d277
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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A miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito lizard and geometric design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, A miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito lizard and geometric design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: dksc4d276
Price: $ 295
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature red jar with a sgraffito three-panel male yeibichai design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature red jar with a sgraffito three-panel male yeibichai design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc3f162
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature red jar with a sgraffito raincloud and geometric design
 by Haungooah aka Art Cody of Santa Clara Haungooah aka Art Cody, Santa Clara, Miniature red jar with a sgraffito raincloud and geometric design
Artist: Haungooah aka Art Cody

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc3f157
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a organic carved body, a geometric design, and an intricate lid with carved kiva step and cut-out details
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a organic carved body, a geometric design, and an intricate lid with carved kiva step and cut-out details
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4c180m3
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a triangular body and lid, a Hopi-inspired bird, thunderbird, dancer,  dragonfly, and fine line geometric design, and a lid with triangular geometric cut-outs
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a triangular body and lid, a Hopi-inspired bird, thunderbird, dancer, dragonfly, and fine line geometric design, and a lid with triangular geometric cut-outs
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4c180m2
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature black and white lidded jar with cut outs and geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature black and white lidded jar with cut outs and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2j223m4
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a square body and lid, a parrot, flower, and geometric design, and a lid with square geometric cut-outs
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a square body and lid, a parrot, flower, and geometric design, and a lid with square geometric cut-outs
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4c180m1
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a geometric design and a lid with a handle
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a geometric design and a lid with a handle
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4c180m4
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.75 in W by 0.75 in H

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Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a three-sided body, a geometric design, and a matching lid with cut-out details
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a three-sided body, a geometric design, and a matching lid with cut-out details
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla3k021m1
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1.25 in H

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A miniature polychrome lidded jar with a deer dancer, twin warrior and geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, A miniature polychrome lidded jar with a deer dancer, twin warrior and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2j223m1
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.25 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature black-on-white lidded jar with a square shape and opening, a painted dot geometric design, and a matching lid with a circular cut-out detail
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature black-on-white lidded jar with a square shape and opening, a painted dot geometric design, and a matching lid with a circular cut-out detail
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla3h702m5
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.25 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H Stand shown for scale only

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A miniature buff jar with a perforated buff lid and perforated geometric design around the body
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, A miniature buff jar with a perforated buff lid and perforated geometric design around the body
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4m030m1
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1.25 in H Stand shown for scale only

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A miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito bear and geometric design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, A miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito bear and geometric design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: shsc4f474
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird and flower design
 by Pat and Margie Naranjo of Santa Clara Pat and Margie Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird and flower design
Artist: Pat and Margie Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc3b504
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 2.75 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito Mimbres antelope and geometric design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito Mimbres antelope and geometric design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc3c254
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1 in W by 1.25 in H

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Polychrome miniature jar with geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Polychrome miniature jar with geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2e352m11a
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.25 in L by 0.25 in W by 0.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome pitcher with a braided handle and a traditional Laguna design featuring parrot and flower elements
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome pitcher with a braided handle and a traditional Laguna design featuring parrot and flower elements
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla3h701m5
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 0.75 in H Stand shown for scale only

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Miniature polychrome effigy jar with a kiva step geometric cut opening and a painted geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome effigy jar with a kiva step geometric cut opening and a painted geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla3h701m12
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 0.75 in H Stand shown for scale only

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Miniature black-on-white quadrupedal animal effigy jar with a painted geometric design and a handle
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature black-on-white quadrupedal animal effigy jar with a painted geometric design and a handle
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla3h701m3
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.25 in W by 0.5 in H Stand shown for scale only

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Miniature red and black bowl with person applique
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature red and black bowl with person applique
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2k121m3
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.75 in W by 0.25 in H

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A miniature polychrome jar decorated with a carved and painted animal and geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, A miniature polychrome jar decorated with a carved and painted animal and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla1c041m2a
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 0.5 in H Stand shown for scale only

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Polychrome miniature hanging triangular pot with a flared rim and geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Polychrome miniature hanging triangular pot with a flared rim and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2e352m8a
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.5 in W by 0.25 in H

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Miniature polychrome canteen with square shape and geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome canteen with square shape and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2j224
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.25 in L by 0.5 in W by 0.75 in H

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Polychrome miniature jar with a flared lip and bird design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Polychrome miniature jar with a flared lip and bird design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2e352m13a
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 0.75 in H

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Miniature black-on-white jar with an applique animal and a painted fine line, spiral, checkerboard, and geometric design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature black-on-white jar with an applique animal and a painted fine line, spiral, checkerboard, and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: csla4c223
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.75 in W by 0.5 in H

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Small red seed pot with a sgraffito butterfly and flower garden designH30
 by Leonard Suazo of Santa Clara Leonard Suazo, Santa Clara, Small red seed pot with a sgraffito butterfly and flower garden designH30
Artist: Leonard Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m729
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with a sepia spot and a sgraffito male yeibichai and geometric design
 by Mae Tapia of Santa Clara Mae Tapia, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with a sepia spot and a sgraffito male yeibichai and geometric design
Artist: Mae Tapia

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: dksc3c240
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.75 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature red-on-red jar with a sgraffito and painted feather ring, kiva step, and geometric design
 by Ursula Curran of Santa Clara Ursula Curran, Santa Clara, Miniature red-on-red jar with a sgraffito and painted feather ring, kiva step, and geometric design
Artist: Ursula Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: llsc3k509
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.5 in H

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A miniature red seed pot decorated with a sgraffito kachina figure with feathers and a geometric design
 by Roy Tanner of Santa Clara Roy Tanner, Santa Clara, A miniature red seed pot decorated with a sgraffito kachina figure with feathers and a geometric design
Artist: Roy Tanner

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: lbsc3g010
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 2 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito feather ring and geometric design
 by Geri Naranjo of Santa Clara Geri Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito feather ring and geometric design
Artist: Geri Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: josc3k217
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1 in W by 0.75 in H

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A miniature sitting grandmother storyteller with one child in a blanket
 by Mary Lucero of Jemez Mary Lucero, Jemez, A miniature sitting grandmother storyteller with one child in a blanket
Artist: Mary Lucero

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje4g188m1
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 2 in H

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A miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito dragonfly and geometric design
 by Glendora Fragua of Jemez Glendora Fragua, Jemez, A miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito dragonfly and geometric design
Artist: Glendora Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: dkje4d268
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.25 in H

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Miniature grandmother storyteller with 1 child on her lap
 by Mary Lucero of Jemez Mary Lucero, Jemez, Miniature grandmother storyteller with 1 child on her lap
Artist: Mary Lucero

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje2c290m12
Price: $ 165
Dimensions: 2.25 in H by 1.5 in W by 2.5 in L

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Miniature polychrome raven storyteller with three chicks
 by Loren Wallowing Bull of Jemez Loren Wallowing Bull, Jemez, Miniature polychrome raven storyteller with three chicks
Artist: Loren Wallowing Bull

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje2j010m7
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 2.25 in H

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Miniature black and white crow storyteller with two chicks
 by Loren Wallowing Bull of Jemez Loren Wallowing Bull, Jemez, Miniature black and white crow storyteller with two chicks
Artist: Loren Wallowing Bull

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje2j010m14
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 0.75 in W by 2 in H

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Miniature black and white raven storyteller with one chick
 by Loren Wallowing Bull of Jemez Loren Wallowing Bull, Jemez, Miniature black and white raven storyteller with one chick
Artist: Loren Wallowing Bull

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje2j010m15
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 1 in L by 0.75 in W by 2.25 in H

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Miniature polychrome standing raven figure
 by Loren Wallowing Bull of Jemez Loren Wallowing Bull, Jemez, Miniature polychrome standing raven figure
Artist: Loren Wallowing Bull

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje2j010m27
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1 in W by 2.25 in H

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Miniature black-on-black cup with a handle and a geometric design around the rimG23
 by Unknown of Santa Clara Unknown, Santa Clara, Miniature black-on-black cup with a handle and a geometric design around the rimG23
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m703
Price: $ 110
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 1.5 in W by 2 in H

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A miniature black on red tile with a buffalo dancer and geometric designK22
 by Heishi Flower of San Ildefonso Heishi Flower, San Ildefonso, A miniature black on red tile with a buffalo dancer and geometric designK22
Artist: Heishi Flower

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: zzsi2b320
Price: $ 95
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1 in W by 0.25 in H

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Miniature black jar with a tall neck decorated with bands of corrugationG17
 by Jason White Eagle Suazo of Santa Clara Jason White Eagle Suazo, Santa Clara, Miniature black jar with a tall neck decorated with bands of corrugationG17
Artist: Jason White Eagle Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m705
Price: $ 75
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome bowl with a 2-panel geometric designG49
 by Jason White Eagle Suazo of Santa Clara Jason White Eagle Suazo, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome bowl with a 2-panel geometric designG49
Artist: Jason White Eagle Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m708
Price: $ 50
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Plain, polished miniature black bowlG01
 by Jason White Eagle Suazo of Santa Clara Jason White Eagle Suazo, Santa Clara, Plain, polished miniature black bowlG01
Artist: Jason White Eagle Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m709
Price: $ 50
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.25 in H

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Plain, polished miniature black bowlF63
 by Jason White Eagle Suazo of Santa Clara Jason White Eagle Suazo, Santa Clara, Plain, polished miniature black bowlF63
Artist: Jason White Eagle Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m706
Price: $ 50
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature black-on-red ladle with a geometric design on the handle and insideE30
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Miniature black-on-red ladle with a geometric design on the handle and insideE30
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: nuho2c549
Price: $ 35
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1 in W by 2 in H

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Miniature red-on-buff bowl with a geometric designK05
 by Unknown of Tesuque Unknown, Tesuque, Miniature red-on-buff bowl with a geometric designK05
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Tesuque
Item Number: nute2c522
Price: $ 25
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1 in W by 0.75 in H

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Miniature red-on-buff plate with a 4-panel geometric designK20
 by Unknown of Tesuque Unknown, Tesuque, Miniature red-on-buff plate with a 4-panel geometric designK20
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Tesuque
Item Number: nute2c523
Price: $ 25
Dimensions: 1 in L by 0.25 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature black bear figure with a sienna spot and a sgraffito bear paw and geometric design
 by Kevin Naranjo of Santa Clara Kevin Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature black bear figure with a sienna spot and a sgraffito bear paw and geometric design
Artist: Kevin Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: mgsc3f168
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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A miniature polychrome jar with a hummingbird lid, bird tail applique and flower and plant painted design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, A miniature polychrome jar with a hummingbird lid, bird tail applique and flower and plant painted design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4m030m5
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1.25 in H Stand shown for scale only

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A miniature polychrome lidded jar decorated with a geometric design
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A miniature polychrome lidded jar decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4h288
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 2 in H

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A miniature black tall neck jar decorated with a band of sgraffito avanyu and geometric design above the shoulder
 by Geri Naranjo of Santa Clara Geri Naranjo, Santa Clara, A miniature black tall neck jar decorated with a band of sgraffito avanyu and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Geri Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc4e293
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.75 in H Stand is shown for scale only

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Miniature brown seed pot with sgraffito Mimbres antelope and geometric designJ46
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature brown seed pot with sgraffito Mimbres antelope and geometric designJ46
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: lksc2f248
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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A miniature black jar with a sienna rim and decorated with a four-panel kiva step and geometric design
 by Kevin Naranjo of Santa Clara Kevin Naranjo, Santa Clara, A miniature black jar with a sienna rim and decorated with a four-panel kiva step and geometric design
Artist: Kevin Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: dbsc4d332
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1 in L by 1 in W by 1.25 in H

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A miniature black-and-red seed pot decorated with a sgraffito fish, cloud and geometric design
 by Haungooah aka Art Cody of Santa Clara Haungooah aka Art Cody, Santa Clara, A miniature black-and-red seed pot decorated with a sgraffito fish, cloud and geometric design
Artist: Haungooah aka Art Cody

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: slsc4l220
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.5 in H

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A miniature black bowl carved with a single bear paw design
 by Linda Tafoya of Santa Clara Linda Tafoya, Santa Clara, A miniature black bowl carved with a single bear paw design
Artist: Linda Tafoya

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: dbsc4d325
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1 in H

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A miniature polychrome jar decorated with a geometric design built of tiny squares filled in
 by Frederica Antonio of Acoma Frederica Antonio, Acoma, A miniature polychrome jar decorated with a geometric design built of tiny squares filled in
Artist: Frederica Antonio

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac5a231
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.25 in H

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An 11-piece miniature nativity set with a display platform
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, An 11-piece miniature nativity set with a display platform
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4m140
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 7.25 in W by 2 in H Measurement of platform

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A miniature polychrome jar with a frog lid and frog appliques plus with a butterfly and geometric design painted around the body
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, A miniature polychrome jar with a frog lid and frog appliques plus with a butterfly and geometric design painted around the body
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4m030m2
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.75 in W by 0.75 in H Stand shown for scale only

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A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a bird element, pueblo silhouette and geometric design
 by Robert Tenorio of Santo Domingo Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a bird element, pueblo silhouette and geometric design
Artist: Robert Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd5a208
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature micaceous gold spiral melon jar with an organic opening
 by Dominique Toya of Jemez Dominique Toya, Jemez, Miniature micaceous gold spiral melon jar with an organic opening
Artist: Dominique Toya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje4b107
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 2 in H

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A miniature polychrome lidded jar decorated with a geometric design
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A miniature polychrome lidded jar decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4h287
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.5 in H

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A miniature black-on-black jar decorated with an avanyu and geometric design above the shoulder
 by Dolores Curran of Santa Clara Dolores Curran, Santa Clara, A miniature black-on-black jar decorated with an avanyu and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Dolores Curran

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: dbsc4d402
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.75 in W by 1 in H

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Miniature black jar carved with a melon designL16
 by Julia Martinez of Santa Clara Julia Martinez, Santa Clara, Miniature black jar carved with a melon designL16
Artist: Julia Martinez

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: plsi1l107
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 1.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome seed jar with sgraffito butterfly, flower, heart, ring of feathers, medallion and geometric designG27
 by Kevin Naranjo of Santa Clara Kevin Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed jar with sgraffito butterfly, flower, heart, ring of feathers, medallion and geometric designG27
Artist: Kevin Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2a040
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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